Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Doing low carb left much to be desired when it came to sweets but HONEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY let me tell you,i was bored and craving something sweet and creamy and discovered this lil treat You will need 3 things only! 1.Sugar free cool whip 2.Almond flour or meal 3.Hunts sugar free chocolate pudding(or whatever flavor you like) First find a clear container or bowl Small to medium depending on what size you make. Take 3 tablespoons of almond meal and put it in the cup add one tablespoon water and stir press with a spoon to form a crust! Then dump the whole cup of sf pudding on top of the almond meal then dallop as much sf cool whip on top of that as your final layer You can top it off w/sliced strawberried but i like mine plain YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


Are you kidding me?No bread?What about peanut butter and jelly w/a tall glass of cold milk?What about garlic bread and pasta?That is the same thing i said but as you get deeper in low carb you will find substitutes and ways to get your fixes one of mine is called flaxseed bread.Not as delish as regular bread but it darn sure beats nothin'lol here is how to make the flax bread: http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/breads/r/flaxbasicfoc.htm enjoy!

UNBRAINWASHING your mind from cookies,pies,cakes,pizza with extra cheese and donut!

Starting low carb was the hardest thing for me because i loved donuts pizza cookies etc.Anything bad.My feet was swelling up,my little sister would tell me "omg your stomach pouch is getting bigger and bigger"She is under 7 so you know she was telling the truth.I decided to do something about it so i decided on low carb.WHY YOU ASK?well because its the only diet i know that i can eat HUGE amounts of food and still loose weight.But first you must get over the mind control that sweets and pizza have over you. Unbreak that spell!break the chains!I did and i know you can too.The first three days was the hardest.I just laid in bed rocking back and forth craving a large pizza hut stuffed crust pizza w/pepperoni ,sausage and bacon!And sugar cookies w/mint choc chip ice cream which i used to eat by the half gallon lol. Girlfreinds,we are all being honest about our eating habits on my blog come on out the closets no more shame,no more sheets we all didnt get HUGE by eating tiny amounts of lettuce :)Well once the three days were over i felt a release i no longer craved those things that had a hold over me for so long i was eating chicken eggs steak in the large amounts and still loosing weight!In the first 7 days of low carb i lost 14 lbs and still going strong.You can do this with me!!!

My blog is fun,come in,relax no spanx no girdles,no makeup just us trying to be skinny bitches.Now pass the chicken and steak....no bread please!
